This page was created by Anonymous. 

The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition

Upstanders Gallery

Paul Temmer discusses how Raoul Wallenberg saved many Jewish men, women and children living in the Budapest ghetto: 

Lillian Bielski describes Tuvia Bielski’s leadership:

 Salomon Pila describes his experiences in Oscar Schindler’s factory:


This page has paths:

This page references:

  1. Raoul Wallenberg
  2. Irena Sendler
  3. Hannah Senesh
  4. Nicholas Winton
  5. Jan Karski
  6. Oskar Schindler
  7. Marion Pritchard
  8. Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara
  9. Lord Attenborough and family
  10. Miep Gies
  11. André Trocmé
  12. Tuvia Bielski
  13. Shirt worn by Tuvia Bielski