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The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition

Resistance: Fighting Back

Resistance and Partisans

Resistance to the Third Reich occurred all over Europe during World War II and the Holocaust.  Small acts of individual resistance, national resistance movements, and Jewish partisans all sought to contribute to the defeat of the Nazi regime.  Resistance took a variety of forms, ranging from non-cooperation, disinformation, and propaganda, to smuggling food, hiding crashed pilots, uprisings, and outright warfare.  In many parts of Europe, Jewish guerrilla fighters, or partisans, engaged in anti-Nazi sabotage, insurgencies, attacks, and assassinations of Nazi personnel.
Fight for your lives until your last breath!  With tooth and nail, with axes and knives, with acid and iron we will greet our hangmen.  Let the enemy pay for blood with blood!


     - Appeal from the Bialystok Ghetto Resistance Organization, August 15, 1943


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