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The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition


Welcome to The Florida Holocaust Museum. The Museum’s mission is "to honor the memory of millions of innocent men, women and children who suffered or died in the Holocaust. It is dedicated to teaching members of all races and cultures to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of human life in order to prevent future genocides."

As you enter the building, you may notice symbolic torches on the museum’s exterior. They symbolize millions of individuals murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. This museum is meant to pass on that knowledge. We’ll tell you about the fate of Jewish victims during the Holocaust, and the fates of the other victim groups persecuted during World War II.

You're about to learn about one of history's most terrible stories, but one which must be told so that it can be fully understood. Equipped with this knowledge, we hope you will be inspired to take a stand to help others. Because now and in the future, it’s the only way that the human behavior that led to the horror of the Holocaust can be changed forever.

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  1. The Florida Holocaust Museum logo