This path was created by Anonymous. 

The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition


The roots of hatred are deeply entrenched in human history, especially the singular form of hatred known as antisemitism.

As you see on the linked timeline, antisemitism long precedes the Third Reich. Early Christian teachings associated Jews with a plague on society. Throughout the Middle Ages and early modern Europe, Jews were persecuted and a number of nations exiled them.

Entrenched antisemitism was one of the major factors that contributed to the Holocaust with the mass murder of millions of European Jews. As Adolf Hitler wrote in his autobiography Mein Kampf,
No one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil, as the symbol of all evil, assumed the living shape of the Jews.
In the decades after the Holocaust, antisemitism remains an ever-present force in many areas of the world.

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