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The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition

Defendants Tried at the IMT

The indictment of the International Military Tribunal signed on October 6, 1945 included 24 defendants.  Two of the defendants, Gustav Krupp and Robert Ley, did not stand trial; Krupp was deemed incompetent and Ley committed suicide before the trial.
In the 403 sessions of the IMT, the prosecution relied heavily on Nazi documentation that had been discovered at the end of the war: over 4,000 tons of written evidence was submitted in preparation for the trials.  The minutes taken during the course of the IMT covered 13,832 pages; the verdict itself took 215 pages.

The Nuremberg Trials increased the international community's awareness of genocide and other crimes against humanity.  On December 9, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly formally outlawed genocide in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.  All ratifying nations are required to take steps to denounce, suppress, and prevent suspected acts of genocide.
The international trial at Nuremberg of leading Nazi war criminals still remains a significant moving force in world history.  The Trial is the greatest and most famous criminal trial in history and it produced a record, which is rich in meaning for mankind.
          - Drexel A Sprecher, Deputy Chief Counsel at the IMT,
             Inside the Nuremberg Trial: A Prosecutor's Comprehensive Account
Bormann, Martin
  • Chief of Party Chancellery, 1941-45
  • Chief Secretary to the Führer, 1943-45 (Believed to be at large during the trial.)
1,3,43,4Death by hanging in absentia, confirmed dead in 1973.
Doenitz , Karl
  • Commander-in-Chief: Navy
  • Grand Admiral: Naval High Command, 1943-45
  • Chancellor, 1945
1,2,32,310 years imprisonment
Frank, Hans
  • Governor-General of Occupied Poland
1,3,43,4Death by hanging
Frick, Wilhelm
  • Minister of the Interior, 1933-43
  • Author of the Nuremberg Laws
1,2,3,42,3,4Death by hanging
Fritzsche, Hans
  • Chief of Radio Division, Nazi Propaganda Ministry
1,3,4 Acquitted
Funk, Walther
  • Minister of Economics, 1937-45
  • Reichsbank President, 1939-45
1,2,3,42,3,4Life imprisonment
Goering, Hermann
  • Reichsmarschall, Commander-in-Chief: Air Force
1,2,3,41,2,3,4Death by hanging
Hess, Rudolf
  • Deputy to the Führer
1,2,3,41,2Life imprisonment
Jodl, Alfred
  • Chief: Operations Staff of the Armed Forces, 1939-45
1,2,3,41,2,3,4Death by hanging
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
  • Chief of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), 1942-45
1,3,43,4Death by hanging
Keitel, Wilhelm
  • Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces
1,2,3,41,2,3,4Death by hanging
Neurath, Konstantin von
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1932-38
  • Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, 1939-43
1,2,3,41,2,3,415 years imprisonment
Papen, Franz von
  • Vice Chancellor, Ambassador to Austria, 1934-38
  • Ambassador to Turkey, 1939-44
1,2 Acquitted
Roeder, Erich
  • Commander-in-Chief: Navy, 1938-43
1,2,31,2,3Life imprisonment
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1938-45
1,2,3,41,2,3,4Death by hanging
Rosenberg, Alfred
  • Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, 1941-45
1,2,3,41,2,3,4Death by hanging
Sauckel, Fritz
  • Plenipotentiary for the Employment of Labor, 1942-45
1,2,3,43,4Death by hanging
Schacht, Hjalmar
  • Minister of Economics, 1934-37
  • Reichsbank President, 1933-39
1,2 Acquitted
Schirach, Baldur von
  • Head of Hitler Youth, 1933-40
  • Governor of Vienna, 1940-45
1,44Life imprisonment
Sayss-Inquart, Arthur
  • Governor of Austria
  • Commissioner for the Netherlands, 1940-45
1,2,3,42,3,4Death by hanging
Spear, Albert
  • Minister for Armaments and War Production, 1942-45
1,2,3,43,420 years imprisonment
Streicher, Julius
  • Founding publisher of antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer
1,44Death by hanging

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  1. IMT defendants in dock