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The Florida Holocaust Museum: History, Heritage and Hope Permanent Exhibition

Wannsee Conference Attendees


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  1. Dr. Josef Bühler (1904-1948) Government of the Governor General in Cracow, State Secretary
  2. Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942) Head of Security Police and Security Service, Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia & Moravia
  3. Dr. Eberhard Schongarth (1903-1946) Commander in Chief of Security Police and Security Service
  4. Martin Luther (1895-1945) German Foreign Office, Under State Secretary (Unterstaatssekretar)
  5. Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) Reich Security Main Office, Director of Section IV B 4
  6. Wilhelm Kritzinger (1890-1947) Permanent Secretary (Ministerialdirektor) in the Reich Chancellery
  7. Dr. Alfred Meyer (1891-1945) Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, State Secretary
  8. Dr. Rudolf Lange (1910-1945) Commander of Security Police and Security Service
  9. Erich Neumann (1892-1948) Office of the Plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan, State Secretary.
  10. Otto Hofmann (1896-1982) Head of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office
  11. Dr. Georg Leibbrandt (1899-1982) Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Permanent Secretary
  12. Heinrich Müller (1900-?) Reich Security Main Office, Head of Department IV
  13. Dr. Roland Freisler (1893-1945) Reich Ministry of Justice, State Secretary
  14. Dr. Gerhard Klopfer (1905-1987) Nazi Party Chancellery, Permanent Secretary
  15. Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart (1902-1953) Reich Ministry of the Interior, State Secretary